Why Do I Have Small Garlic Bulbs?

Why Do I Have Small Garlic Bulbs?

Your garlic bulbs may be very small for a variety of reasons. Small garlic bulbs are frequently an outcome of faulty planting processes, inaccurate sowing, overcrowding, unsuitable soil, and improper watering. Let us examine each potential cause of your garlic’s small size and discuss solutions to ensure larger crops on the next harvest. Reasons why…

Why are my cucumbers prickly? Here’s the answer

Why are my cucumbers prickly? Here’s the answer

Have you ever gotten a prickly cucumber and asked yourself “Why are my cucumbers prickly?” Most of the cucumbers that we saw on the market or in grocery stores have smooth skin so seeing cucumbers with spikes is confusing. Cucumbers are genetically prickly and have varying degrees of prickles, so pickling cucumbers are normal. Prickles…

Why is my Chinese Evergreen Leaves Curling?

Why is my Chinese Evergreen Leaves Curling?

Chinese evergreens are very popular tropical houseplants because of their eye-catching and beautifully patterned leaves. However, it is not uncommon for your Chinese Evergreen leaves to start curling. There are many reasons why this happens to your plants. In this post, I’ll examine the reasons why this kind of thing happens and offer solutions to…

5 Reasons Caladium Leaves are Drooping

5 Reasons Caladium Leaves are Drooping

Due to their beautiful foliage, caladiums make wonderful indoor plants, but occasionally, they begin to flop, so you are left to wonder why your Caladium Leaves are drooping. These plants are ideal for shaded yards or gardens. Caladiums have colorful leaves that make them more appealing for outdoor use. However, because they are native to…

12 Causes Why Polka Dot Plant Leaves Curling

12 Causes Why Polka Dot Plant Leaves Curling

Polka dot plant leaves curling up is a common problem. The main causes of this problem are biological factors, environmental conditions, and plant care practices. Identifying the specific reason why this problem occurs will help you to address the problem properly which will speed up the plant’s recovery. In this article, the reasons for this…

How to Propagate ZZ Plant?- Here’s How

How to Propagate ZZ Plant?- Here’s How

ZZ plant (Zamioculcas Zamiifolia) is a perennial plant that belongs to the Araceae plant family. It is also known as the Eternity plant and Zanzibar gem. Some of its popular varieties are Raven, Zamicro, and Variegated. It has visually appealing leaves that add an aesthetic look to homes and offices. It is an air-purifying plant…

2 Best Methods to Propagate Syngonium Plant

2 Best Methods to Propagate Syngonium Plant

Syngonium is a houseplant that belongs to the Araceae plant family. Some of its varieties are pink allusion, white butterfly, pixie, variegatum, emerald gem, and tri-leaf wonder. It is a purifying plant that removes toxins from the air. It is one of the easiest plants to propagate because it is adaptable to a new environment….