Does Cayenne Pepper Deter Squirrels?

Does Cayenne Pepper Deter Squirrels?

One of the question which comes in someone’s mind while handling squirrels is Does Cayenne Pepper Deter Squirrels? Studies have shown that capsaicin, the chemical compound in cayenne peppers that causes the heat sensation, does work as an insecticide and animal repellant.  However, there are no published studies on whether or not this also works…

Do Snails Hibernate?

Do Snails Hibernate?

Hibernation is an animal’s physiological response to adverse environmental conditions, usually cold weather, that allows them to survive long periods of time without food or water. Snails can go without food and water for up to three months, but do they hibernate?  Let’s take a closer look at this incredible ability and see how they…

What Frightens Squirrels?

What Frightens Squirrels?

Squirrels are easily frightened and can be scared off with certain noises or movements that humans are unaware of.  You can use these methods to frighten them if they’re being pests around your house, or you can simply observe what frightens them to learn more about their behavior. Continue reading to learn more about what…