Why are My Potatoes so Small? – Different Causes

Why are My Potatoes so Small? – Different Causes

There are times when you grow big potato plants that produce small tubers once dug up. Your potatoes are so small for a variety of reasons. Small potatoes are oftentimes caused by lack of sunlight, insufficient watering, nutrient insufficiency, extreme temperatures, or harvesting them too early. However, some varieties of potatoes will naturally grow smaller…

Why Are My Hedges Dying?- Here’s Why

Why Are My Hedges Dying?- Here’s Why

There are many factors that may contribute to your hedges dying. These include improper growing conditions, diseases, and insect problems. However, a combination of preventative and corrective measures can keep your hedges in optimal condition. Dying hedges will respond properly if they are given the right care and maintenance, depending on the original reason why…

What Causes Tipu Tree Leaves Turning Yellow? Find the reasons here

What Causes Tipu Tree Leaves Turning Yellow? Find the reasons here

Noticing that your Tipu Tree leaves have started turning yellow is a very frustrating thing. This fast-growing tree brings both beauty and shade to your building or property. However, they require a lot of taking care and become grouchy if their required care isn’t properly met. You can see the early signs of their stress…

Why Philodendron Leaves Curling? Let’s Save It!

Why Philodendron Leaves Curling? Let’s Save It!

Philodendrons have a very refreshing appearance that can brighten up your living or working spaces. However, when Philodendron leaves start curling, it becomes so upsetting to know what is causing the issue. But if this occurs, do not panic because this problem can be treated fairly easily. Read this article to learn why your philodendron…

Cost-effective Way to Propagate Philodendron

Cost-effective Way to Propagate Philodendron

Knowing how to propagate Philodendron plants properly is a cost-effective way to increase your collection without buying more. Philodendrons are one of the most popular houseplants because it has different varieties and is easy to grow. It has beautiful foliage that makes it visually appealing. It is an air-purifying plant so it can lessen the…

The Never Never Plant Propagation and Care Guide

The Never Never Plant Propagation and Care Guide

The Never Never Plant is a plant that belongs to the genus Ctenanthe which is native to Brazil. Its scientific name is Ctenanthe oppenheimiana. It is referred to as a prayer plant because its leaves fold together upwards in the evening. Knowing how to propagate Never Never plant will increase your plant collection without spending…