Cebu Blue is a variety of photos that have very beautiful, elongated green leaves, if they started to turn yellow, the questions about why it went wrong, and the need to address this problem as quickly as possible. In this article, I will tell you why this problem happens to your plant and how to treat it.

Common Causes why Cebu Blue Leaves Turning Yellow
The most common cause of the yellowing of the leaves on your Cebu blue plant is overwatering. These plants generally dislike sitting on top of excess water, as it can cause their roots to rot. Rotting roots will change the color of your plant’s leaves, and if they have not addressed immediately, they will eventually kill your plant.
Insufficient light

Cebu blue plants can also survive in low light conditions. However, it doesn’t mean that they will be able to thrive there. Low light conditions will cause your plant to have complications on its leaves, which will result in smaller foliage. The leaves may begin to drop and turn yellow if they do not receive enough light. The older leaves that are near the plant’s base are the ones that are prone to this more than the other leaves.
Root bound
A Cebu blue that has never been repotted is bound to eventually experience the binding of its roots. This happens when your plant is too big for the pot that it is currently in. It is common to initially plant in small pots. However, they are fast growers and tend to quickly outgrow their pots. More importantly, yellow leaves are one of the many symptoms of a Cebu blue plant that has become root bound.
Pest Infestation

Cebu blues are less susceptible to pest infestations. However, it does not mean that they are completely off the radar of pest infestations. Pests such as scale, mealy bugs, and spider mites rob all of the nutrients resulting in leaves turning yellow. External problems like coming from another infected plant and the disease just spreading to your plant. A pest infestation leaves the plant vulnerable leading to a cascade of problems for your plant in the future.
Old age
It is normal for an old leaf to turn yellow and fall off the plant as it ages. There is nothing to be concerned about if this happens to your Cebu blue plant. This will help promote and give space for a new set of leaves to grow. It is beneficial for the plant if its old leaves fall off because then the plant would only need to direct the energy it produces into growing a new set of leaves instead of giving it to the old ones.
How do you Prevent Cebu Leaves from Turning Yellow?
If you suspect that your Cebu blue is overwatered, take your plant out of its pot and try repotting it in a new one with potting soil that drains really well. To avoid water clogging in the future, choose a pot that has drainage holes at its base.
In order to determine when to water your plant is to insert your finger into the soil where your Cebu blue has been planted. If you feel that the soil is still wet, do not water it again until the top inch of the soil completely dries out.
Insufficient light

Move your plant into a place that has bright, indirect light to solve the problems that are occurring in it. This will make your plant a lot happier. In some cases where only the side of the pot that is the farthest from the window turns yellow. If you experience this kind of problem, you can try rotating your Cebu blue plant for balanced growth.
Root bound
Check if you can get your Cebu blue out of the pot. If it is in its current pot for longer than 6 months, there is a high possibility that roots have bounded. If noticed that roots are tightly packed and poking out of the drainage holes, you will immediately need to find another pot and quickly repot it. Addressing this problem quickly will prevent any further complications for your Cebu plant and one of them is the yellowing of its leaves.
Pest Infestation
If suspected that it had been infested by pests, then isolate them to prevent them from spreading to your other plants. Repot it in fresh soil after removing any damaged leaves or rotten roots. Clean the soil for about a week before using pesticides to completely get rid of the pests. Treating an infestation with water and fertilizer will create a whole new set of problems for your Cebu blue plant.
Use any available chemical or natural solutions, such as horticultural oil to prevent the infestation from spreading any further.
Old age
Leaves turning yellow due to old age should have been left alone, or even better, cut off. Consider your plant’s way of sacrificing its old leaves to grow a new set for the betterment of your plant.
However, if the yellowing of the old leaves is only happening at the base, no new growth will appear. In this case, apply fertilizer because it is a clear indication that the soil is deficient in nutrients.
How much light does a Cebu blue plant need?
Cebu blue plant is a light-tolerant and will be able to thrive in a medium-light environment. If you want it to have the most beautiful and lush foliage, provide them with plenty of bright but indirect light.

Cebu blue plants are very easy to take care of and grow naturally on their own, they are very sturdy and have no complications. However, there are many factors that you can easily overlook that will cause Cebu blue leaves to start turning yellow. Although it is not that much of a problem, not addressing it immediately will cause multiple problems to surface in the future. Treating and preventing this is fairly easy and simple if done right.
Meet Tomas Clayton, a seasoned plant gardener who has been passionate about horticulture since he was a child. Tomas John developed a love for the natural world and a strong appreciation for the beauty of plants while growing up on a farm.