Loofah, like watermelons, cucumbers, and pumpkins, is a member of the Cucurbitaceae plant family. Its fresh fruits can be used in a variety of dishes, while the dried fruits can be used as a natural sponge. In this article, I will provide you with information on what you need to prepare for growing a loofah plant and the steps on how to properly grow and make it healthy.
Grow a Loofah Plant by Propagating from Seeds
Before growing a loofah, there are many things that you need to prepare. Additionally, it is critical to follow the right steps if you want to grow a healthy loofah plant.
Before growing a loofah plant, you must prepare the following things:
- Loofah seeds
- Compost
- Small plant pots
- Large clear plastic box
- Large plant pots
- Canes (optional)
- Thermometer (optional)

Here are the steps that you need to follow to grow a loofah from seeds:
Obtaining the seeds
You can obtain a loofah seed from an adult loofah fruit. If you don’t own a loofah plant, you can easily obtain seed from your local store.
Soak the seeds overnight before sowing them. You can also thin out the skin of the seed with the use of sandpaper. Thinning out the coating of the seed will help hasten the seed’s germination. Use warm water to soak them and leave them in that state for 24 hours.
Sowing the seeds
Fill the small plant pots that you prepared with compost and sow the loofah seeds 1 to 2 centimeters deep, then water them well. Place the pot in the large plastic box and place the plastic box in a sunny spot with the lid on but slightly open. A loofah seed typically germinates in about 20 days at a temperature of 25 to 30 °C.
You can speed up the seed’s sprouting and germination process with the use of a heating mat. Loofah plant is a heat-loving plant and using a heating mat can greatly enhance the seed’s sprouting process.
Once the loofah seeds start to sprout leaves, you can carefully transfer your loofah plants to larger pots outdoors. Place your loofah plant in an area where it is sunny but also has a lot of shade.

In choosing the right location for your growing loofah plant, keep in mind that these plants can grow up to 30 feet long. Finding a location with enough room for your loofah plants to grow freely is very crucial. It is necessary to place supports that they can climb because loofah plants are known to be excellent climbers and will climb any sturdy supports that they can grab.
Once the seedlings develop their first set of real leaves, you can begin fertilizing them. You can choose between compost, animal manure, and even commercial fertilizers. The most recommended is the liquid organic fertilizer as it consists of essential nutrients that your loofah plant needs and has beneficial microorganisms that can also help recycle organic matter. These microorganisms are very helpful in the degradation of substrates during fermentation.
Monitoring and Watering
As your loofah plant grows, you also need to water the plant regularly to keep the soil moist but also keep in mind to not soak your loofah plant in too much water so that it won’t drown. As the plants continue to grow, you can use the twines and canes to help support the plant’s vines and branches.
Do not hesitate to water your loofah plants if you start noticing that the soil around them dried up. Be careful not to overwater your loofah plants as this can cause their roots to rot and ultimately kill them. Instead, deeply water your loofah plant so that the water is dispersed evenly all over the pot.
Fruit Bearing
About 100 to 120 days after planting your loofah plant, it will start to mature and start to produce yellow flowers. These flowers will soon become the long and green fruits that the loofah plant will produce.

Hand pollinating is advised to ensure that the first flowers that your loofah plants produce are properly pollinated and can turn into fruits. It is very easy, you only need to spot the difference between the male and female flowers. Use a clean and dry small paintbrush to transfer pollen from the male to the female flowers of the plant. You can hand pollinate your loofah plants every couple of days a week.
There are two ways to harvest a loofah fruit. The first one is to harvest as a young and green vegetable that is usable for home dishes like stir-fries, stew, or curries. The second one is to let them mature enough that their green skin turns brown. You can use the old loofah fruit as a sponge.
To make a loofah sponge, peel your homegrown loofah fruits that have dried up. Remove the seeds inside the loofah fruit. You can also use these seeds to grow a new loofah plant once its growing season starts. After peeling, the whole body of the loofah fruit can be turned into a sponge. Rinse your loofah sponge clean and if they are still discolored, you can soak them in a bleach solution for about half an hour.

Can you grow loofah inside your house?
Yes, you can grow your loofah plant inside your house. It is especially advised during cooler climates as the plant only thrives in temperatures that are between 25 to 30 °C to germinate, However, loofah plants grow best in a sunny environment with well-drained soil.
Tips on growing Loofah plant
Here are the tips to grow a healthy loofah plant:

- Plant your loofah plant in well-drained soil. This type of soil is ideal for loofah plant growth. Given that the loofah plant does not appreciate standing water, this kind of soil is where a loofah plant thrives the most.
- Apply compost, animal manure, or commercial fertilizer. While this truly isn’t that significant, fertilizers can greatly enhance the growth of your loofah plant and simultaneously enable your loofah plant to bear more flowers hence making more fruits.
- Place sticks or canes on your pot to support the loofah’s growth. Loofah plants are also vigorous climbers and would love to climb every strong support that they can grab.
- Always monitor your loofah plant’s soil. Monitoring the soil is very important. This will provide you with information on when and how much water you will give your loofah plant.
- Loofah plants love and thrive under the sunlight. Placing them where they may be exposed to direct sunlight is greatly advised.
- If your loofah plant does not produce enough fruits, you can try hand pollinating. This will allow your loofah plant to produce more fruits than just waiting for natural pollinators like bees, butterflies, and wasps.
- Find an open area with a wide space. Loofah plants are known to grow very long. Providing them with a wide area will allow them to freely grow as much as they want. A small and closed area will spurt their growth resulting in less fruit production.

How long does it take for a Loofah plant to bear fruit?
It will take the loofah seeds two to three months to mature after the initial sowing. The mature loofah plant will also be able to produce flowers and bear fruits within that time frame. This time frame depends on how you took care of your loofah plant. Naturally, giving your loofah plant proper care results in a shorter maturation period.
Are loofahs easy to grow?
Loofah plants take time to grow but also don’t demand a great deal of effort. It is pretty simple to grow and requires a little amount of attention and time.
Where does loofah grow best?
Loofah plants thrive best in sunny areas with well-draining soils enriched with compost and animal manure. They also thrive in a wide area as they can grow very long compared to other plants. A wide area will allow them to freely grow as much as they want to. If you install poles as a support in the area where you planted the loofah plant, you can still grow a healthy loofah plant even in a small space. Loofah plants are renowned for being vigorous climbers that cling to any available supports that they can grab.
It is easy to grow a loofah plant from seeds. They do not require a lot of effort as they can grow almost independently if given the perfect environment and circumstance. Loofah takes a long time to mature. You also don’t need much preparation to start growing a loofah plant. Although if you really want to be hands-on with your loofah plant’s growth. You can also monitor them regularly to ensure that they grow healthy.

Elizabeth Mcmillan is a passionate gardener with a strong interest in plants. She used to be a teacher, but Elizabeth has spent the last few years immersing herself in the world of plants, learning about their biology and cultural value and trying out different ways of growing them in her own garden. Elizabeth Mcmillan loves indoor plants, succulents, and cacti, and her friends and family know her as a plant care expert.